How to spend your leisure time effectively

            Leisure represents a vacation or at work, during study, at this time you can do such activities as: sports, walking, man-made activities, for example: playing an instrument, painting. Leisure time is a leisure time as it allows us to recharge the energy used in daily responsibilities and is essential for better performance at work or academia. Therefore, since relaxation is essential for human health and well-being, rest and relaxation are voluntary activities in which the individual is free from his family, occupation (employment or study) and social ties. There is a difference between rest and leisure time. Instead, the relaxed man engages in activities that are to his advantage, such as a sport.

             There have been many studies on the benefits of leisure to people.  One such recent study found that taking regular breaks helped us to function better in our work and in our daily lives.  How can we really do that?  Many complain that they do not have time to relax.  But indirectly we can give rest to our body and mind.  It is through the planning and assembly of our daily lives.  Much of that depends on our plan.  As well as in management.  For example, getting more sleep, planning exercise during the day, regularizing your eating habits, and setting aside time to go for a walk outdoors automatically give our body and mind the rest we need.  It is important to remember that sleep is one of the most important part of our relaxation.  So the best thing we can do to relax is to try to make some simple changes in our daily life and lifestyle. 

        On the other hand, we can recognize that our skills develop almost unknowingly with this.  Rest is essential for our mind and body to relax and regenerate.  Finding unique places to relax is not essential.  Sometimes your home, your backyard, or the garden are all great places to go.  What do we really get from a break?  The first is the recovery of our strength.  Our body and mind, which have worked hard all day, need to be prepared to do the same thing the next day.  In comparison, it is like recharging a battery that has been running continuously.  The next day we will be able to work as usual only if our body battery is properly charged. 

             The next thing is to get rid of stress.  We have to work hard all day as well as make difficult decisions.  Not only is our body exhausted but our minds are similarly distressed and exhausted.  When the stress of the body and the stress of the mind go hand in hand, we too have to experience very unpleasant feelings.  It makes our passing moment as well as the next dawn unpleasant.  We also see a constant breakdown of the mind and a breakdown of mental concentration.  It is not just a matter of our jobs but of our day-to-day affairs.  Rest is essential for maintaining mental concentration.  Today you can solve a difficult problem better the next day through rest.  Sleep now.  It may be that we have read in many Russian fairy tales that wisdom without night descends into morning.  Sleep is strongly effect to our weight. Poor sleep is linked to weight gain, People who have adequate sleep are healthy and active more than ones who have short sleep. Getting enough sleep is completely crucial if you are trying to lose weight. Good sleep has always improved ability to problem solving skills and enhance memory performance of someone.

               Mood is very important to us.  Most of the gains and losses we experience in life are largely determined by our mood at that moment.  The loss we have suffered due to the deterioration of the mental state cannot be said to be so.  Although none of us can always be in a good mood, getting proper rest allows us to stay in a good mood longer.  Relaxation helps you to think positively.  Suppose you are engaged in some creative activity.  Clearly that creativity does not rise sharply in your mind when overwhelmed, overworked or persecuted.  Excessive stress or constant activity can cause creativity to slow down.  Getting used to taking a short break of fifteen minutes during the day's work before thinking about the big break of an hour and a half also brings us unexpectedly good results. 

                   Relaxation is a good effective method for relieve your fatigue. There is no specific way to do the relaxation, it may be a small thing done in a small time.  Deep relaxation just like a meditation. When maintaining a good health, relaxation is a important part. It improves good mode and also relieve stress. There are a lot of benefits doing relaxation such as relieve pain, improve your memory power and decrease the blood pressure. Laughing reduce the pain. It helps your heart and lungs. having a little enjoyment will be a good relaxation. It is possible for you to find yourself  the way to stress out if you have no enough time to relax. If impossible it can cause headache, anxiety, depression, chest pain and other health issues. The responsibility of your lif is depends on what you do and the decisions you make.

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