Dragon fruit Cactaceae, scientifically known as Hydrocereus undatus. Originating in South America, this plant is known as pitaya in North India. This plant has been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years and is gaining popularity in countries such as Thailand and Vietnam. This fruit has a very beautiful pink color. Dragon fruit is very low in cholesterol and high in antioxidants.

Medicinal values of dragon fruit

1. Low cholesterol

 Cholesterol level is zero because it is free of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
Eating Dragon Fruit daily is important for weight loss as well as heart health. The seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Excess fiber

Eating dragon fruit gives the body a lot of protein. It is important to maintain blood pressure as well as body weight.

3. Excess antioxidants

Dragon fruit is high in antioxidants and contains free radicals that can kill cancer cells, which is important for heart health as well as skin health.

4. To brighten the body

 Applying this paste on the body brightens the skin and gives the skin the vitamins it needs. Their juices are also important in preventing premature graying of hair. Therefore, these can be used to make shampoos.

5. Having high potassium

It is important for maintaining the bones in the body. It is also important for maintaining the fluid composition of the body as well as maintaining the ph value.

6. Controlling blood sugar levels

It is important to lower blood sugar levels due to the high potassium content in the kidneys

7. Suppression of arthritis

Eating this fruit can help fight arthritis.

8. Abundance of Vitamin C

Strengthens the body's immune system. Increases iron absorption. It is important to maintain healthy skin.

Dragon fruit is a fruit with medicinal value. So it is important to have projects to cultivate it. It is a good idea to apply a variety of creams and shampoos that are of great value to the skin, so it's time to focus on creating new products.


               Among the fruits, new research has proven that it is the most beneficial fruit for women. Researchers say that eating two apples a day can protect against heart disease. That's because eating apples lowers body fat in women. Eating apples lowers blood fat levels in postmenopausal women. It has also been found that heart attacks are more common in women of that age.

                 It is said that eating an apple for six months will reduce the fat over time. It has also been found that LDL, which is particularly known as unhealthy fat, is greatly reduced. This was discovered by a team of researchers at Florida State University in the United States.

            Forty-five percent of British women suffer from heart disease or stroke, which is the leading cause of death in postmenopausal women. It has been shown that women have the ability to stop heart disease naturally until menopause. At that age, only one-third of men are diagnosed with the disease. However, the research team used 160 menopausal women, 75 of whom were given 75 grams of dried apples a day. That size is the equivalent of two medium sized apples. Compared to this, women are given the same amount of dried raisins to eat. Each woman who participated in the research was given a blood test once a month for one year. Three months later, women who ate apples were found to have a 9% reduction in total body fat and a 16% reduction in LDL fat.

            Fat levels have been shown to drop further in women after 6 months. As a result, their total fat level dropped to 13%, and their LDL fat dropped by 24%. After 6 months, women who ate raisins dropped slightly more fat, but not as much as women who ate dried apples.

           British consumers consume nearly 500,000 tons of apples a year. Meanwhile, a 2009 study by Polish researchers found that eating three apples a day halved the risk of colon cancer in adults. Researchers at St George's Medical College London's have found that middle - aged men who eat at least one apple a day have higher lung function.


                Mango is a very tasty yellow fruit. Although most people eat this because it is delicious, most people do not feel good about it. If you have a proper understanding of the quality, you can eat mango knowing that it is not only delicious but also a high quality fruit.

                Research has shown that mangoes are rich in antioxidants. It protects against intestinal cancer as well as leukemia. The high content of fiber in mango, vitamin C and pectin can effectively lower cholesterol levels in the blood. This lowers Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) which is a bad cholesterol. Galactin 3, a cancer-causing protein, binds to a compound in pectin. Then those compounds are easily eliminated from the body. Reduces cancerous conditions, especially those associated with the digestive system.

                 Mangoes are high in vitamins C and A. 225g of mango provides 76% of the daily requirement of vitamin C and 25% of vitamin A. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and Vitamin A also has antioxidant properties. It helps to maintain good eyesight. Vitamin B6 and other B vitamins, which contain 11%, are good for hormone production and prevent heart disease.

                 In particular, beta carotene is a powerful carotenoid pigment, and excess beta carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body. This is an antioxidant that prevents damage to the body by free radicals. Not only mangoes but mango leaves are also very useful. Mango leaves can be used as a treatment for diabetes. Put about 10 to 15 mango leaves in hot water, cover with a lid and drink it the next morning before eating. Regularizing this helps to control blood sugar levels.