Water is an essential component of human life as well as an integral part of the survival of animals, plants and all living things. Water is essential for all the internal functions of living beings as well as for the metabolic processes of all living beings. We know that water is essential for daily cleaning, cooking, and so on.

           But even though 2/3 of the world's volume is covered by water, it is ironic that only 1% of the water available for human consumption is available. How unfortunate that even a small amount of potable water is scarce! Millions of people worldwide die each year from diseases caused by a lack of clean drinking water. Despite our boasting of advanced technology, we have so far failed to find solutions.

Why should we drink water?

It is best to drink warm boiled water. Also, the amount of water needed per day should be drunk evenly throughout the day. Sri Lanka is a tropical country, the amount of water leaving the body is relatively small. Therefore, it is important to drink enough water per day to reduce the risk of various urinary tract infections. On average, an adult should drink about 1.5-2 liters of water per day, i.e. 7-8 glasses of water, and the amount of fluid to drink varies according to body weight.

          Although Sri Lanka is somewhat rich in drinking water supply, it is prone to unfortunate non-communicable diseases such as kidney disease due to contamination of drinking water sources due to agrochemicals and electronic waste added to the environment through human influence. It is a serious fact that with the advancement of technology this risk also increases. Due to these factors, Rowater is becoming popular all over the country and it is becoming a major business.

         People are prone to various diseases due to the contamination of drinking water. So we have to provide clean drinking water. As well as drinking, water also helps in cleansing the body, cooking, washing clothes and cultivating crops. Water is an invaluable resource for human beings. Rain is the main source of water for us. The cycle must be active for the rain to fall. The water cycle is an essential factor in functioning. Some people do not realize that tree water is an invaluable resource for us. So instead of planting, they cut down trees. As a result, we have to stay out of the rain and the water sources of the Polo Mahi woman dry up. Rivers, streams, and reservoir effluents are also polluted by industrial effluents, toilet effluents, agrochemicals and garbage used in agriculture. Thus, some pollute water as well as those who waste water in our society. Waste of water also destroys water, which is a great resource. Thus polluting and wasting water is a cutting of our own graves.

          Even so, it may come as a surprise to hear that clean drinking water can also cause illness. Researchers at the University of British Columbia in Canada have found that babies who drink clean drinking water are more likely to develop asthma. The team found that the bacteria that live in the intestines of young children prevent asthma and that the microscopic fungus Pichia interferes with the asthma-fighting activity of these bacteria. They point out that the clean environment and clean water cause the growth of the Pichia fungus, which can increase the risk of asthma in children who continue to drink clean water. Research using baby feces and other fluids in Canada and Ecuador has also found that babies who drink clean water are at higher risk of developing asthma.

          Although it is socially accepted that children living in unhygienic environments are less prone to disease, we are accustomed to considering cleanliness and clean drinking water as basic elements of our lifestyle. But with such discoveries, such opinions and beliefs will have to be reconsidered.